What are the 3 main symptoms of Autism

 Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact socially with other people. It is estimated that around 1 in 54 children in the US are diagnosed with autism, making it more common than diabetes, cancer, and AIDS combined.

When it comes to autism, there are three main symptoms that are generally seen in those who are affected. These are difficulties with social interaction, repetitive behaviors, and communication challenges. This article will provide an overview of these three main symptoms of autism, as well as detailing some of the specific issues associated with them.

we will take a closer look at each of these three main symptoms of autism, as well as provide some tips for recognizing them and seeking treatment for those affected.

Social Interaction Difficulties

Individuals with autism may struggle with social interaction. They may have difficulty understanding how to interact with others appropriately and may not understand social cues and body language. This can cause them to have difficulty making and sustaining friendships, as well as difficulty connecting with others.

Repetitive Behaviors

Repetitive behaviors are common among individuals with autism. These behaviors include rituals, repetitive movements, and rigid routines. They may look different from individual to individual, yet they are all typically associated with autism treatment.

Communication Challenges

Communication challenges are one of the hallmark symptoms of autism. People with autism may have difficulty communicating with other people in a variety of ways. Speech and language delay, difficulty understanding language, and issues with pragmatic language are all common communication challenges associated with autism.

Speech and Language Delay

Speech and language delays are very common in individuals with autism. People with autism may have difficulty with the production of language, and may speak in a monotone or in a flat affect. They may also use incorrect grammar, and have difficulty expressing themselves. They may also have difficulty understanding language, and may not respond to verbal instructions.

Difficulty Understanding Language

People with autism may have difficulty understanding language. They may not understand what is being said to them, or may be unable to understand the nuances of language, such as sarcasm or jokes. They may also struggle to comprehend the meaning of words and may have difficulty understanding abstract concepts.

Issues with Pragmatic Language

People with autism may also have difficulty with pragmatic language. Pragmatic language includes the ability to understand and use non-literal language and social cues in conversation. People with autism may struggle to interact socially and may have difficulty initiating or maintaining conversations. They may also have difficulty interpreting facial expressions or body language, and may not understand social cues.

For more update visit here: What are the 3 main symptoms of Autism


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